- A kick-off meeting in June (a year before the actual tour). This means that the two tour coordinators and a few key volunteers on the team are identified.
- The president and treasurer are members of this team, and possibly one of the club secretaries can keep the minutes to capture ideas and decisions.
- A "Let's go" meeting in September or early November, for the committee to learn what gardens have been selected, and to plan next steps. Discussions might include:
- A timeline of events leading up to the Tour days highlighting major milestones (filling volunteering slots), blocking tasks (sponsor solicitation) and critical path tasks (booklet printing). There will also be supplemental tasks to the above. The timeline will serve as the roadmap of tasks that must be accomplished for a successful Tour outcome.
- Whether there will be special features like "art in gardens", music in gardens, interactivities, etc.
- What staffing and steps will be needed to get going. This meeting should also include updates on member-supplied Sponsor prospects (identifying banks, retail stores, grocers, garden centers, realtors, etc.) goods or services we can barter (printing services, ads, etc.)
- Gauge success of activities to date, target dates, and possibly what staff needs to be added to achieve our goals. Again, most people will not initially want to sell sponsorships, but some may buy in if there is good training.
- Subcommittee meetings as needed to review logistics, needs, progress, policies on particular committees.
- A "regroup" meeting after the holidays to review our status, needs and next steps. If any group needs more support, we may need to prioritize and reassign.
- As the spring continues, coordinators check in with various groups and see who needs more help and how they can get it.
- Final meeting mid-May or TBD to get a final feel about outstanding issues and what adjustments/issues need to be addressed.